Thursday, May 21, 2009

The house blues

We're trying to sell our house. We're fortunate to be in a position where it's not a necessity. We have good equity. But it's a tough time to sell a house that has all it's parts (and then some) when you're going up against short sales and foreclosures. Still, it makes sense for us, at this time to try to get out of Dodge and leave this state of which we are not fond.

Even if we didn't want to go home* this house is too big for just us. This house was full of hope, of what might be, of what could be. As I write this I sit in the room I always thought "could be" the nursery. That's not going to happen now. And for 2 people this house is simply too big. This house screams "Family". 3 empty bedrooms. A family room and living room. A yard. It's too much for just me to take care of while working full time. It's not where we want to be. We don't have ties here. Actually, we don't have ties anywhere, which is a kind of morose post for another day.

For now I cross my fingers everytime some family comes to look at this house and hope they'll buy it and we can leave and go find something that fits a little better.

*Home is a relative word. We actually are not from where we want to move, the city, just the state.

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